Forbidden Fruit

November 5, 2023

An outdoor advertising billboard covered in panels of black fabric with a graffiti painting of a book, hand, snake and an apple in the bottom left corner.

Outdoor advertising has always had an issue with staying current. In this case, the billboard is covered in large panels of black fabric. An interesting choice as it seems to impart a “world in grieving” kind of moment as if we’ve lost one of America’s great ads. Of course, I’m glad to see some enterprising artist has taken advantage of all that great empty space. As to what the image is or represents, as it often the case, I have no idea. Quite possibly, it’s a representation of knowledge as the enemy of religion, but using religious symbolism. Maybe? Instead of the tree of knowledge, we’re given a book with an odd symbol on the front. The text on the spine isn’t quite legible. The book is sprouting the snake who is menacing the apple which in turn has some illegible text in the white circle. On a technical level, it doesn’t look to be sprayed on, but hand painted. Given the location, climbing up scaffolding or out a window with paint buckets is very impressive. Sometimes with art, you may not know what’s going on, but you can still appreciate (and interpret for yourself), the impression, the detail and the meaning it impacts on you personally.

West Side, Manhattan.